Alexa Toolbar rules in Korea
In Korea, so many people have the Alexa toolbar that the company (Amazon) issues a disclaimer about Korea origin website traffic.
Well, now you can get your own Cognitive Labs Toolbar.
Get it here
Support us, support our mission, track your mind, track the web.

Sudoku - New at Cognitive Labs!

New game on Game Central....Sudoku! Exercise your brain, but first, create a cognitive baseline so you can track your cognitive performance. You can do this by taking our free test. Sudoko is a puzzle game that is sweeping the world.
From Wikipedia:
Sudoku (Japanese: 数独, sūdoku), sometimes spelled Su Doku, is a placement puzzle, also known as Number Place in the United States. The aim of the puzzle is to enter a number from 1 through 9 in each cell of a grid, most frequently a 9×9 grid made up of 3×3 subgrids (called "regions"), starting with various numbers given in some cells (the "givens"). Each row, column and region must contain only one instance of each number. Completing the puzzle requires patience and modest logical ability (although some puzzles can be very difficult). Its classic grid layout is reminiscent of other newspaper puzzles like crosswords and chess problems. First published in the United States, Sudoku initially became popular in Japan in 1986 and attained international popularity in 2005.
Enjoy!!!! and let us know how you do.

New template
Brad Pitt and Brain Cells

B(rad Pitt), (J)ennifer Aniston, and ASTEROIDS
"The chances of successfully navigating through an asteroid field are approximately 7,640 to one," said 3PO.
Han Solo: "Never tell me the odds."
Individual Neuronal Memory? Here is a thought-provoking piece by CalTech/RNI connected people.
...Even a casual reader of fan magazines can recognize pictures of Halle Berry or Jennifer Aniston, no matter how the stars are dressed or wearing their hair. Now a surprising study suggests that individual brain cells can do the same thing.
The work could help shed light on how the brain stores memories, an expert said.
When scientists sampled brain cell activity in people who were scrutinizing dozens of pictures, they found some cells that reacted to a particular famous person, landmark, animal or object.
In one case, a single cell was activated by different photos of Berry, including some in her "Catwoman" costume, a drawing of her and even the words, "Halle Berry."
The findings appear in a part of the brain that transforms what people perceive into what they'll eventually remember, said Dr. Itzhak Fried, a senior investigator on the project.
The findings do not mean that a particular person or object is recognized and remembered by only one brain cell, Fried said. "There is not only one cell that codes for Jennifer Aniston. That would be impossible," Fried said.
Nor do they mean that a given brain cell will react to only one person or object, he said, because the study participants were tested with only a relatively limited number of pictures. In fact, some cells were found to respond to more than one person, or to a person and an object.
What the study does suggest, Fried and colleagues say in Thursday's issue of the journal Nature, is that the brain appears to use relatively few cells to record something it sees. That's in contrast to the idea that it uses a huge network of brain cells instead.
It's surprising that an individual neuron would react so specifically to a given person, said the study's other senior investigator, Christof Koch of the California Institute of Technology. "It's much more specific than people used to think."
Charles Connor, who studies how the brain processes visual information but who didn't participate in the new study, called the results striking.
Nobody would have predicted that conceptual information relating to Aniston, for example, would be signaled so clearly by single cells, said Connor, who works at Johns Hopkins University.
The "really dramatic finding," he said, is that a single brain cell can respond so consistently to completely different pictures of a given person. "That will surprise everybody," Connor said.
The part of the brain the researchers studied draws heavily on memory as well as signals from what the eye sees, so the result may illustrate how memory is represented in the brain and how it relates to visual signals, he said.
He noted that in one participant, one brain cell responded both to Aniston and to Lisa Kudrow, her co-star on the TV hit "Friends."
"That's a tantalizing glimpse at how neurons represent concepts like membership in the cast of `Friends,' and could lead to much more extensive studies of how conceptual information is organized in human memory," he said.
The researchers tested eight people with epilepsy who'd had electrodes placed in their brains so that doctors could track down the origins of their seizures. The electrodes monitored the activity of a small fraction of cells in a part of the brain called the medial temporal lobe.
The researchers kept track of which cells became activated as the participants looked at images of people, landmarks and objects on a laptop computer. One participant had a brain cell that reacted to different pictures of Aniston, for example, but was not strongly stimulated by other famous or non-famous faces.
Oddly, when that participant was shown photos of Aniston paired with actor Brad Pitt, from whom Aniston later separated, the brain cell didn't respond.
"I don't know if it was a prophetic thing," Fried said.

Simon says check your brain - Game of the Day

Game of the Day - take a mental break and get a workout on an old family favorite now brought to the web. It's a virtual Simon. Rather than replacing the 'C' batteries just come to our website...

Chimp's paintings go for $26,000

Primate Art Therapy?
Last week we made a reference to Planet of the Apes. Today, Congo the chimp's paintings were auctioned for $26,000. It would be interesting to get behind the eye of Congo and understand what he perceived. Picasso had a painting by Congo in his studio.
Labels: auction, chimps, congo, painting

MemCheck PodCast....get it
New MemCast (Podcast)...reporting on the Stanford study presented today in The Nation's capital....great things happen on the Farm.
Get it.
intro by Green Day
Get it.
intro by Green Day

Slower Speed of Processing may be Associated with Cognitive Deficits

Stanford University Researchers are presenting the following research findings at the Alzheimer's Association's International Conference on the Prevention of Dementia in Washington D.C. today June 20, 2005 using Cognitive Labs Cognometer technology, which refers to our entire battery of 11 tests - the same technology used in MemCheck and Memory For Life and also on licensed sites. We are excited to bring this technology to the world so that more can benefit, whether it is on mobile platforms, the Internet, retail, and in clinical settings.
Slower Speed-of-Processing Is Associated with Presence of the Apolipoprotein ε4 Allele
Topic: Clinical assessment
Ruth O'Hara, Kevin Morgan, Helena C. Kraemer, Jerome Yesavage, Joy Taylor, Greer Murphy, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA. Contact e-mail: roh@stanford.edu
Presentation Number: O2-05-03
Keyword: APOE, cognition, early detection
BACKGROUND: Detection of preclinical cognitive deficits is important for identifying those at greatest risk for such disorders as Alzheimer’s disease. However, available neuropsychological measures may not be sufficiently sensitive to preclinical cognitive impairment, particularly in high functioning and younger older adults. This study utilizes a battery of computerized cognitive tests (Cognometer) designed to provide a more sensitive measure of age-related cognitive performance by incorporating speed-of-processing components.
OBJECTIVE: To compare performance on the Cognometer battery and on standard neuropsychological tests of 18 subjects with the ε4 allele with that of 33 subjects without the ε4 allele.
METHODS: Fifty-one community-dwelling older adults (18 subjects with the ε4 allele and compared to that of 33 subjects without the ε4 allele) were administered the Cognometer battery, which incorporates speed-of-processing components into measures of verbal, spatial and working memory, attention, and visuo-spatial ability. A brief battery of standard neuropsychological measures including delayed recall, symbol digit and was also administered.
CONCLUSIONS: No significant difference was observed between the two groups with respect to performance on any of the neuropsychological measures. However, with respect to the Cognometer battery, individuals with the ε4 allele were significantly slower in performing all the cognitive tasks, with the exception of the visuo-spatial task. With respect to performance, the two genotype groups did not differ significantly except on immediate memory, with the ε4 group exhibiting increased errors. Overall, the ε4 group was significantly slower in performing all of the Cognometer memory tasks. These findings provide continued support for the negative impact of the ε4 allele on cognition and further suggest that speed-of-processing measures may have the potential to detect subtle cognitive deficits.
Commercial Relationship: R. O'Hara, None; K. Morgan, None; H.C. Kraemer, None; J. Yesavage, None; J. Taylor, None; G. Murphy, None.

Tut returns

Howard Carter and the 5th Earl of Carnarvon
Carter leaned in, holding a candle, to take a look. Behind him Lord Carnarvon asked, "Can you see anything?"
Carter answered, "Yes, wonderful things."
Now Twt'nkh-'mn (literally, the living image of Amon artifacts and matrix are back in the U.S. after 30 years, 1st at the LA County Art Museum (beginning today) to be followed by the Field Museum in Chicago. If you can't get to Egypt, this might be your chance. For now, we are offering a fun way to experience the feeling of an archaeologist (while also getting a mental workout) I never saw any large scarabs running aound on the ground, spikes, or hot coals or Indiana-Jonesesque air darts - BUT saw plenty of bats and mummies and felt incredible heat and silence and presence of antiquity in those underground chambers.

click here!
But you can still play Pharaoh's Tomb here

Alexa-Cognitive Labs Toolbar
We (I) just finished putting the code in place for your Cognitive Labs Toolbar, in partnership with Alexa. Just popped an XML file into our server and when you click on our logo,

this takes you to a download page(on Alexa's servers where you can grab the toolbar and install it. It lets you get a snaphot of the web, like we give you a snapshot of the mind. Plus, it lets you block pop-ups easily and also Google search is embedded in another location. No Google fridge yet but who knows maybe we'll see that next.

this takes you to a download page(on Alexa's servers where you can grab the toolbar and install it. It lets you get a snaphot of the web, like we give you a snapshot of the mind. Plus, it lets you block pop-ups easily and also Google search is embedded in another location. No Google fridge yet but who knows maybe we'll see that next.

Brain Stuttering
Researchers have discovered that the brains of stutterers process words differently, even when they're not speaking.They hope their new understanding of this complex disorder will help to reduce the stigma felt by the roughly three million American's who stutter.
Language Link
While its causes are many, stuttering used to carry with it the stigma of being a "psychological problem." Now, researchers are finding that stutterers' brains process language differently, even when they aren't speaking.
"Stuttering is known to be a very complex disorder, and there has been evidence that language plays an important role in stuttering," explains Christine Weber-Fox, a cognitive neuroscientist at Purdue University. "For example, when children begin stuttering it's not when they're saying their first word, it's when they start combining words, and when language becomes more complex and they're having to formulate more. So we were very interested in knowing the role of language processing in stutterers, even when people who stutter aren't required to speak at all."
Weber-Fox and her team compared the brain activity of 22 adults, half stutterers and half non-stutterers, measuring the activity of brain cells in milliseconds using what looks like a wired-up swimming cap with electrodes that sit on the scalp. The adults were shown two words on a computer screen, and their job was to identifysilently, by pressing a buttonwhich pairs of words rhymed. Some word pairs, like "own" and "gown," were spelled similarly but did not rhyme; some, like "own" and "cone," rhymed but were not spelled similarly, and some, like "own" and "cake," neither rhymed nor were spelled similarly.
"What that forces you to do is say the words to yourself," says Weber-Fox. "In other words if you see the word 'own' flashed on the screen, and then you see the word 'gown' flashed on the screen, you have to as quick as possible say whether they rhyme of not. By doing that we're tapping into some of those same mechanisms that people use when they're trying to formulate speech."
A skullcap with electrodes measures the electrical activity in different parts of the brain.
Weber-Fox found that when the two words looked similar, but didn't rhyme, the stutterers took longer to process the words and answer. "They were overall slower, and just by a little bit, just by a hundredth of a second, but that little bit means a lot when you are talking about brain activity," she says. "The complexity of the task really influenced them or interfered with their processing to a greater extent than it did to people who didn't stutter. The results from the brainwave analysis also showed us that people that stutter maybe performing this task in a different way neurallywe found that their activity over the right hemisphere was greater than the left hemisphere and this is not what we found in our normal speakerstheir responses were more balanced across both hemispheres for this task."
Weber-Fox points out that although language is an important factor in stuttering, there are other factors, including emotion, anxiety and genetics, and its cause can differ for each person and even throughout one's lifespan. She hopes that work like hers will help to remove the stigma of stuttering. "This is involuntary behavior that results from real physiological differences, so I think that that's one thing that's important to keep in mind," she says, adding, "even though it's a physiological response or something that is happening in the brain, that doesn't mean that it's not changeableI think [the research] actually provides a lot of optimism and hope for finding better ways to treat stuttering."

New New Thing
Don't you hate when people re-post stuff? You've got to read the same banal ideas again. Now that Einstein image is clickable -- sorry about that

More memory tests to more people....
What if everyone around the world had an easy way to test their memory...and find out how they were doing compared to everyone else.
Now they do.
From a company called Cognitive Labs. If you want to use our testing in your site or product, call us, we can private label it for you or create a memory center on your site that can drive traffic.
Now, making the memory archive a searchable index will be a really interesting enhancement we're already at work on...

More memory tests to more people....
What if everyone around the world had an easy way to test their memory...and find out how they were doing compared to everyone else.
Now they do.
From a company called Cognitive Labs. If you want to use our testing in your site or product, call us, we can private label it for you or create a memory center on your site that can drive traffic.
Now, making the memory archive a searchable index will be a really interesting enhancement we're already at work on...

Cognitive Labs....

More memory tests to more people....
What if everyone around the world had an easy way to test their memory...and find out how they were doing compared to everyone else.
Now they do.
From a company called Cognitive Labs. If you want to use our testing in your site or product, call us, we can private label it for you or create a memory center on your site that can drive traffic.
Now, making the memory archive a searchable index will be a really interesting enhancement we're already at work on...

Human See, Human Do

We all know the type, the social chamaeleon that is able to detect and subtly imitate the mores of a social target, down to clothing, manner of speaking, and body language.
How susceptible are we to this Byzantine subterfuge?
According to researchers at Stanford and Wired, (which linked to our site from this story, thanks) very much so:
Psychologists and salesmen call it the "chameleon effect": People are perceived as more honest and likeable if they subtly mimic the body language of the person they're speaking with. Now scientists have demonstrated that computers can exploit the same phenomenon, but with greater success and on a larger scale.
Researchers at Stanford University's Virtual Human Interaction Lab strapped 69 student volunteers into an immersive, 3-D virtual-reality rig, where test subjects found themselves sitting across the table from a "digital agent"- a computer-generated man or woman - programmed to deliver a three-minute pitch advocating a notional university security policy requiring students to carry ID whenever they're on campus.
The anthropomorphic cyberhuckster featured moving lips and blinking eyes on a head that nodded and swayed realistically. But unbeknownst to the test subjects, the head movements weren't random. In half the sessions, the computer was programmed to mimic the student's movements exactly, with a precise four-second delay; if a test subject tilted her head thoughtfully and looked up at a 15-degree angle, the computer would repeat the gesture four seconds later.
For the other half of the participants, the program used head movements recorded from earlier students, ensuring they were realistic but unconnected to the test subject....
And you thought, blissfully, you had seen the last of Max Headroom, the virtual star of the 80's, perhaps to be reborn.

The brain gets hot...Big Blue to create complex digital 3D brain map

neuron forest
IBM and researchers in Switzerland are teaming up to create a neural map of the brain and 'unlock the secrets of cognitive intelligence.' I would say this is akin to drilling core samples, finding out the "why" while Cognitive Labs effort is aimed at surface mapping - a snapshot of cognitive reality based on open-source (user supplied) data where anyone can contribute.....
IBM's Blue Gene supercomputer tackles major scientific challenge – scientists to create a complex digital 3D model of the brain
Yorktown Heights, NY and Lausanne, Switzerland, June 6, 2005 – IBM and The Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) are today announcing a major joint research initiative – nicknamed the Blue Brain Project – to take brain research to a new level.
Over the next two years scientists from both organizations will work together using the huge computational capacity of IBM's Blue Gene supercomputer to create a detailed model of the circuitry in the neocortex – the largest and most complex part of the human brain. By expanding the project to model other areas of the brain, scientists hope to eventually build an accurate, computer-based model of the entire brain.
Relatively little is actually known about how the brain works. Using the digital model scientists will run computer-based simulations of the brain at the molecular level, shedding light on internal processes such as thought, perception and memory. Scientists also hope to understand more about how and why certain microcircuits in the brain malfunction – thought to be the cause of psychiatric disorders such as autism, schizophrenia and depression.
"Modeling the brain at the cellular level is a massive undertaking because of the hundreds of thousands of parameters that need to be taken into account," said Henry Markram, the EPFL professor heading up the project. "IBM has unparalleled experience in biological simulations and the most advanced supercomputing technology in the world. With our combined resources and expertise we are embarking on one of the most ambitious research initiatives ever undertaken in the field of neuroscience."
Markram is the founder of EPFL's Brain and Mind Institute, where more than 10 years of research and wet-lab experiments have been consolidated into the world's most comprehensive set of empirical data on the micro-architecture of the neocortex.
Researchers from IBM will use their experience in simulating complex biological systems to help turn this data into a working 3-dimensional model recreating the high-speed electro-chemical interactions of the brain's interior. Running on a Blue Gene supercomputer, the model will be capable of simulating brain processes in three dimensions with a precision never before achieved.
"Blue Gene is by far the fastest supercomputing system in the world, giving scientists access to unprecedented levels of computing power," said Tilak Agerwala, Vice President of Systems, IBM Research. "What really matters is not the power itself, but how it is applied to accelerate innovation and discovery in science, engineering and business."
By using a Blue Gene supercomputer to run experiments in real time, Markram anticipates a substantial acceleration in the pace of brain research. "With an accurate computer-based model of the brain much of the pre-testing and planning normally required for a major experiment could be done 'in silico' rather than in the laboratory. With certain simulations we anticipate that a full day's worth of wet lab research could be done in a matter of seconds on Blue Gene."
The system that will be installed at EPFL will occupy the floor space of about four refrigerators, and will have a peak processing speed of at least 22.8 trillion floating-point operations per second (22.8 teraflops), making it one of the most powerful supercomputers in the world.
The first phase of the project will be to make a software replica of a column of the neocortex. The neocortex constitutes about 85% of the human brain's total mass and is thought to be responsible for the cognitive functions of language, learning, memory and complex thought. An accurate replica of the neocortical column is the essential first step to simulating the whole brain and also will provide the link between genetic, molecular and cognitive levels of brain function. The second and subsequent phases will be to expand the simulation to include circuitry from other brain regions and eventually the whole brain.
As part of the agreement with IBM, some of Blue Gene's time will also be allotted to other ambitious research projects. In one of the projects, researchers from IBM's Zurich Research Lab will work together with scientists from EPFL's Institutes of Complex Matter Physics and Nanostructure Physics to research future semiconductor (post-CMOS) technology such as carbon nanotubes; part of the continuing quest to build smaller semiconductors and microchips.
Elsewhere at EPFL, researchers will use Blue Gene to look at the use of plasmas as a possible method of energy production. Another team will use Blue Gene to research the folding of proteins and their role in the development of Creutzfeldt-Jacob (mad cow) and other diseases.

Curcumin Stops Alzheimer's?

UCLA/VA Researchers are in the news again with Curcumin's tendencies to delay or even prevent Alzheimer's, so reports Netscape News.
I had posted this blog entry on January 9, 2005....here it is again
The researchers postulate that diet may cause lower levels of Alzheimer's on the Indian subcontinent. However, it is still problematic. To make a complete survey, one would also have to look at the APOEe3/APOEe4 incidence levels which govern predisposition.

Games, 100 days of games....

To commemmorate the continuing growth of our site, we are pround to bring you games, which have carefully been selected by experts in reaction time and neuroscience, to bring both awareness/exercise value and also entertainment value.
We will next run some people through MRI before, during, and after playing these games and also in the process of taking our MemCheck and Memory For Life tests and exercises.
Here is an interesting game , Mission to Mars, which requires vertical eye/hand coordination and anticipation to complete. Please give it a try

3...2....1....Lift-off...Pre-Announcing our Cognitive Game Portal

Powered by dylithium crystals, Cognitive Labs is set to announce its brand new game portal, GameCentral.
Unlike our breakthrough (and patent-protected) cognitive monitoring service, these are fun, free games selected by neuroscience experts to expand the range of cognition.
Get outside and throw a baseball around or go for a hike, then get a cognitive baseline, play some more games, and see how your mind is improving.
I'll bet you'll see an effect. We've got Tetris, SpaceInvaders, and even Pharaoh's Tomb.
Sign-up now and see what all the fun is about. Science and Learning doesn't have to be boring.

Cognitive Labs...powering the senior Olympics with Natrol
Our partner Natrol (Nasdaq: NTOL) is a major participant in the National Senior Olympic Games, held next week in Pittsburgh at Carnegie-Mellon.
I am proud to say that our testing and tracking service will be made available to more people that have not yet had a chance to try it.
You really can track your brain's progress. You can buy it here or you can get it on brainspeed.com on a continual basis when you decide to purchase one of their brainspeed cognitive supplements, which have been extensively researched. Natrol's VP of R&D like many of our key friends and advisors has a Stanford and U.C. connection.
We are really excited about the Alzheimer's Association International Conference in Washington, D.C., also fast approaching, where some of the research using our tests will be presented.

Governor Schwarzenegger on Nutrition

This relates to brainspeed.com and similar plans for the future, from sports to gamer enhancement. One has to agree with the Governor's statements especially relating to childhood nutrition. This letter appeared in the Weider publications, electronically in RedNova
In Defense of Supplements
THROUGHOUT MY ADULT LIFE I've never missed an opportunity to preach the health benefits of the bodybuilding lifestyle. For me, following this lifestyle means not only working out in the gym on a regular basis but also maintaining good dietary habits. In addition, supplements are essential for safeguarding against nutritional deficiencies and augmenting training performance and its results.
Dietary supplements are of use to everyone, not just athletes. For instance, older people can benefit from multivitamins, calcium and glucosamine. Expectant mothers require extra supplementation as they nurture new life. Even in children, vitamins bolster growth and good health.
However, in the last few years, attempts have been made to limit the availability of many nutritional supplements. It's the nature of government to regulate - whether it's businesses, the workplace, when you should have lunch. Legislation on food supplements isn't necessarily an outright attack on the industry; it's just one more area where officials can say, "Wow! This isn't regulated. Let's go after it and regulate!"
* The issue has been clouded by misrepresentation of some of these products. Too often, dietary supplements are lumped into the same category as anabolic steroids. Possession and distribution of the latter is illegal, and all measures to stem their use should be enforced. Such was the case when I signed California Senate Bill 1444, which sought to tighten the legislation on supplements containing ephedrine-group alkaloids or steroid hormone precursors. Yet to ban dietary supplements such as protein powders, multivitamins, glutamine, etc., is misguided and wrong.
In the state of California, I've opposed attempts to limit the availability of dietary supplements. Many well-intentioned legislators don't understand these products, so they mistrust them, sometimes confusing them with illegal performance-enhancing drugs.
Recently, I vetoed California Senate Bill 1630, which sought to restrict the availability of performance-enhancing dietary supplements in schools. In explaining why I sent back the bill, I wrote (in part): "I am returning Senate Bill 1630 without my signature. The illegal possession and use of performance-enhancing steroids is clearly prohibited, and those existing laws should be strictly enforced to their full extent, particularly given the apparent heightened activity surrounding this dangerous practice. However, this bill focuses on performance-enhancing dietary supplements (PEDS) instead of focusing on ensuring that students participating in high school sports are not engaged in steroids use."
* I told those who supported this bill that obesity rates, particularly among children, are sky-rocketing, as are health-care costs. To show true concern for the health of our children, why don't we pass a law that takes junk food out of schools? Stop allowing the sale of french fries, doughnuts and other unhealthful foods at schools. Replace those products with fruits and vegetables and well-balanced, nutritional meals. That's the right move to protect the health of our children.
* Let me be clear: I believe in the use of healthy dietary supplements. It's wrong to consign them to the same category as anabolic steroids and other illegal substances.
For those of us who live the bodybuilding lifestyle, exercise, sound nutrition and supplementation improve our health and the quality and length of our lives. That's why I'm so energized to fight any attempt to limit the availability of nutritional supplements. A practical and responsible step forward would be educating the media, government bodies and consumer groups on how to distinguish between dietary supplements and harmful illegal substances. In the pages of MUSCLE & FITNESS and FLEX, our mission must be to enlighten the uninformed to the differences between the two and ultimately protect the kind of right America's forefathers wrote into our Constitution: the freedom of choice.
- Arnold Schwarzenegger
The Gov is working to protect dietary supplements
Copyright Weider Publications Jun 2005

brainspeed powered by Cognitive Labs at Drugstore.com

Through our partnership with Natrol (Nasdaq: NTOL) you can now purchase an exciting nutritional supplement that focuses on the cholinergic system. The unique innovation is combining the highly sensitive cognitive testing from Cognitive Labs, which you know from our cognitivecare.com site, with this new product to create brainspeed.com.
You can now purchase brainspeed at brainspeed.com or on the homepage of drugstore.com.
We hope you will try it, you won't find it in stores yet. But we will certainly notify when it is available at Walgreen's and other locations, in the near future. We will be able to refer you to a store locator for both the web and mobile at that point.

41% sign-up rate
41% of our visitors now register....that's our tops, but we have been getting to .40 sporadically especially 2 days ago, in the last couple of days have been in the high 30's.

Highest Traffic

pretty good traffic for a niche - reached about # 44,000. Of course we want to reach 1,2, or 3 - Yahoo, Google, and MSN, not nessarily in that order.
What can you do with graphs - lots of great things - for example, look at Tufte's the Visual Display of Quantitative Information, leading people to see that statistics could be elegant...or

Here - George Lucas does the tractor beam on the Death Star as a graph...what was that language???It's not hieroglyphic,hieratic, demotic, akkadian, sumerian, or sanskrit...what is it?

Million Member March or Terminator 3

Last November, following Governor Schwarzenegger's tromp through the hinterlands of Silicon Valley raising funds, I joked here about the million member March, or blog-in in Sacramento. I still think that's a good idea, but we need at least 2 million members. or about 5% of the state's population to make it worthwhile. For now, amuse yourself with Terminator 3 - the pinball game, the only pinball machine (at least for now) featuring an RPG-toting state governor. Better yet, get a bottle of brainspeed, take some while you play and you get locked for multi-ball.
SHOOT here...and...HERE....great shot.....AHRPEEGEE...
cue to action jingle
For awhile I was thinking of putting one in the front hallway to amuse guests, admission price: gotta get a free game