
Mind Bending Drinks Have Dazzled throughout History

Well-known figures such as Vincent Van Gogh, Oscar Wilde, Edgar Allen Poe, even Mary Todd Lincoln, the wife of President Abraham Lincoln, all used hallucinogenic drinks to cope with life's everyday pains, and they were supposedly driven insane by the drinks to varying degrees.

The alcohol consumed today won't convince anyone that they're living in a magical world of fairies and unicorns, as some of history's most powerful hallucinogenic beverages do. Today's beverages will, however, serve as a central nervous system depressant. And alcohol also relaxes, reduces inhibitions, decreases motor control and, at higher doses, can cause unconsciousness, respiratory problems and severe embarrassment due to urinary incontinence.

From shamans in the rainforest to artists, writers, philosophers and Frenchmen, cultures across the READ the REST

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