
Real-Time Mummy Scanning at Stanford

In 19th Century London, mummy unwrappings were well-attended social events.

Today, Stanford scientists will irradiate a mummy in real-time in an effort to envisage its countenance. Iret-net-hor-irew, a minor priestly official, will be scanned using (C)omputerized (T)omography at 1:30 PM in the basement of the Grant Building on the Stanford campus.

compare the meaning of two names:
Iret-net-Hor-irew = "The Eye of Horus is upon you"
Twt - 'nkh - amun = " The Living image of Amon"

The mummy was originally from Akhmim, a city (nome) in Upper Egypt that in historical times (after 300 C.E.) became a hotbed of Egyptian desert monasticism as the people switched from their traditional religion to Christianity.

For 65 years, the mummy was on loan to Stockton's Haggin Museum from the SF Palace of Fine Arts. Before once again hanging in the City, the mummy is vacationing at Stanford and getting zapped.

Egyptologist Patricia Podzorski, Ph.D.

so long, and thanks for all the fish

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