
New ideas showcase

Here's one and there's a whole bunch more - some we have touched on before-power related, consumer space, etc. This one's both old and new...


What if there was a friendfeed type service for business? What if? Incorporating status about everything, along with people in your life, was possible. That was a pitch we made (Asis Bose, Ron Zoppo, and me) in 2001 or early 2002. Bose was an e-commerce/host access architecture manager, Ron was running a consumer electronics/PC Industry XML/EDI initiative.

Envisioned was a kind of streaming universal tracker. Talked to 2 VC firms casually before tabling the idea - 1st offered 5 to 7 million and set up a meeting with their venture partner. (The lead GP is no longer at the firm) The other top-tier firm set up a long phone call to dig into it, which was quite helpful.

While intrigued, this partner pointed out some apparent flaws(the presumed business model, seat license or enterprise, might not work, they thought - and that was the standard software business model at the time, with SOS just emerging, and advertising DOA). Then, I got pulled into monitoring a trial on the KDDI EvDO network in Tokyo for another co. (Accelerate Mobile) acceleration technology which took about 6 months.

In the last couple of years this kind of service has proliferated within social networks, so maybe the time is right to put the project back in development. The business summary even had a couple of comic-elements.

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