A Circular Time Spectrum

Physicists are now hinting at thepixellation of the universe and I had the thought (probably not unique, but here it is) that time itself may be structured along two fundamental dimensions. Physicists from Einstein onward have written about the plastic nature of time and indeed, it's well established that time is

Here's an example sometimes used since the 1960's (and regrettably no closer today than in old books from the 1970's). During a supposed trip to Alpha Centauri at a reasonable fraction of the speed of light, say 40-50% as speculated from the hypothesized attainable velocity of the interstellar ramjet, time passes much faster for the crew than for people back on earth.
This effect is even seen at slower speeds within our own solar system at the millisecond level when communicating with probes.
Physics also does not rule out time's essential malleability, e.g.,past and future are human concepts that are observed from our perspective, seeming to be constant laws like gravitation but in fact are not.
Yes, time can be measured linearly as in the variable
Why is that? It's almost imponderable.
However, let's look at the nature of light.
On the one hand, light has wavelengths - very long spans measured from the peak of one wave to the next, like the spikes on a lemon meringue pie - to the hundreds of meters and kilometers in the low-end optical (red) and below, including infrared and radio. On the other hand, light has very short wavelengths in blue, violet, ultraviolet, up through gamma rays, etc.

We already know that the spectrum gives us a look at chemical composition of ignited gas and materials, but what if time also had a dual or tripartite nature?
That is, it can be measured (linear) but also has a wavelength-based spectrum, such that events in the past are shifted one way and events in the future are shifted in another direction. Let's assume that the human concept of "past" time with short wavelengths exists simultaneously with the long wavelength "future" time which appears not to have happened yet because of the slowed down intervals.
Going from the past to the future is simply a matter of moving along this continuuum from longer and slower wavelengths (the future) on the one hand and shorter and faster wavelengths in the past. The meeting point or defined gap between these two asymptotes constitutes our very limited observed perspective of the "present" state of time.
The dimension of linear time from a human perspective is simple one "play" setting on the cosmic time player, while time considered as a medium itself can be accessed either at the point of shorter wavelengths (the past) or longer wavelengths (the future). In this conception time is not a "river," which is solely dependent upon human perspective, but more like a circle with no beginning an end. Everything that exists (past, present, future) can be plotted somewhere along the circle.
Of course, we would need to work out the calculus that will connect this wavelength observation to modern physics.
If you think about it, this theory in a cursory sort of way might point to an answer to some of those problems of time plasticity which standard physics cannot rule out and in fact acknowledges. We also would need to amend natural philosophy.
If so, how do we explain the so called "time paradox problem," that is time travelers going back in time and influencing events which will make the present as we know it, impossible. This is a literary convention from Wells through the travails of Andrew Harlan in The End of Eternity (Asimov) and again in other literary works.
Reality, instead is turned on its head and it's actually a reverse paradox.
The question is whether this notion of time conflicts with observations and already derived fundamental laws and furthermore, how would develop a time-player allowing you to access different areas on the disk/points on the circle? That might be a problem for a scientist in the future.
Labels: asimov, asymptote, bussard, dejavue, spectrum, wavelength