
Cognitive Labs Closes in on 10 Million Visitors

We'll shortly break this barrier.

Other things related to 10 million...

Fungus-farming leaf-cutter ants originated about 10 million years ago.

iPhone: 10 million aps downloaded in one phar-out weekend.

Cleopatra spent 10 million sesterces on a banquet for Mark Antony.

Omega Centauri has 10 million stars.

Omega Centauri, largest globular cluster in the Milky Way galaxy.

10 million: the estimated number of animal species on earth.

XBox: 10 million consoles sold in U.S. as of mid-2008.

WOW. World of Warcraft: 10 million subscribers reached in 2008.

Dr. Mercola: 10 Million baby boomers face alzheimers epidemic

Ten million rivets were used to build the Queen Mary in the 1930's.

The Santa Fe grain elevator at Kansas City once held 10 million bushels.

U.K. teacher Michael LeCount, 40, has 10 million lego bricks in his collection.

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