
Alert: Cognitive Labs wins Ashoka's Gamechanger Competition

Cognitive Labs and its game development division - Neurogamer Studios - that hall of wired, sleep-deprived pierced and tatooed creatives surrounded with surreal wall-to-wall E3 type plasma screens, has won Ashoka's global changemarker competition in the area of Cognitive games. Since this was a worldwide, bottom-up, grassroots competition we're pretty excited.

Other game category winners include Wil Wright's Spore and Konami's Dance Dance Revolution. Since this pits us (me) against entire studios backed with tens of millions of dollars in financing, we'll call our 'game development' persona neurogamer studios. It's like a guy with a handheld camera making a feature film by himself and then outwitting a legion of studio execs and other Hollywood hacks, flacks, slackers, and sharks and tripping up 20th Century Fox (trumpet fanfare)


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