Adding a Blog list

At this stage in the game, we're going to add links to blogs/sites we notice/read/react to that in one way or another make a major contribution to understanding (a) cognitive health (b) health & science and (c) the internet because all of these topics are so inter-related.
July 21st was probably an all time high water-mark, surprising because it's the middle of summer and historically, this has been the off season as far as brain-training is concerned. In the nineteenth century they used to say philosophy was popularized in the northerly climes, where there was nothing to do in the long dark days of winter but read, think, and write by the fire.
But now, Cognitive Labs is tearing it up right in the midst of the lazy ants-at-the-picnic and bears-at-the-campsite season.
So, look for that in the days and weeks ahead. Contact us for any specific syndication needs you may have, (e.g., route 66 'kicks' game or anything else) as that program is blazing as the Bonneville salt flats [saltflats.com] - assuming you can determine this...

Labels: 2008, blog, fox, philosophy, reading, summer