
Mike Weiner helps Vets, fights Alzheimer's in San Francisco

UCSF's Dr. Mike Weiner, who helps veterans with Alzheimer's and also Traumatic Brain Injury(TBI) was featured in the SF Chronicle today. You can register for a study at http://brain.com - just follow the UCSF link.

Dr. Weiner swims in the Bay every day and his real age, so to speak, is much younger than his calendar age.

Of Dr. Weiner, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says:

"There's a saying in the military that on the battlefield no soldier will be left behind," she told The Chronicle. "We have made a promise that when our troops come home, no veteran will be left behind. The innovative and groundbreaking research by Dr. Weiner and his team at UCSF helps keep that promise, especially as more of our soldiers return home from Iraq with lifelong injuries and disabilities."

This kind of selfless work deserves the highest applause.

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