Toddler Growth

You can see the past two years graphically above, the data ends today. This chart is for advertisers and sponsors to see the runaway growth of the site. Sometime this evening we'll reach 1.6 million users (1,600,000) which is better than the circulation of many large newspapers, but there is much more growth to come, so hold on to your hats.
A couple of years ago we just wanted to help people take an active role in confronting memory loss. Former president Ronald Reagan passed on due to Alzheimer's, as well as Scotty (James Doohan) from the original Star Trek, but we had a view that easy to use tools should be in the hands of people with the most at stake (that's you - it's your brain) and kept to the plan. And we've overcome the technical hurdles that have blown in every now and then. Well, we're not satisfied; every test and game can be improved - and that's what we're focused on.