Blast the Protein Game
Try the Beta Amyloid Blaster.
The link is here: http://www.cognitivelabs.com/betaamyloid_blaster.htm
Beta Amyloid is responsible for the growth of proteins in the brain.
In this game, aim the sight at the amyloids as they fly by and press the space bar as they fly by.
If you miss any, a scrolling tabulator in the bottom frame will tell you!.
Needs Internet Explorer. GO
The link is here: http://www.cognitivelabs.com/betaamyloid_blaster.htm
Beta Amyloid is responsible for the growth of proteins in the brain.
In this game, aim the sight at the amyloids as they fly by and press the space bar as they fly by.
If you miss any, a scrolling tabulator in the bottom frame will tell you!.
Needs Internet Explorer. GO