
Impairment Confirmed

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's stroke has resulted in 'definitive cognitive impairment' according to his physicians, however, his life is apparently out of danger. Keep in mind that there can be many forms of impairment. Salon on Friday featured stories from Walter Reed Medical Center, mirroring similar accounts from all over the US over the past 24 months discussing the cognitive injuries of returning soldiers from Iraq.

Here, we covered the story of several Army troops who were being treated at the Palo Alto VA, which is equipped to deal with head injuries, including one soldier (Mr. Ocuerga) who was in the Chinook helicopter shot down near Fallujah in one of the single largest casualty-causing events for US forces.

Improved armor and helmet design has saved more lives than any previous conflict in history but there is a significant toll in cognitive impairment which is not always a visible injury....

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