
Cholesterol Lowering drugs and Alzheimers'

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Latest News on Cognitive Ability

source: Cognitive Labs newswire

Ann Todd was shocked when she first realized something was wrong with her husband, Ronald.

"He called the sheriff's office to report that some of his tools had been stolen," she said. "And when I came home from work he told me about it. I realized he had forgotten that he had given them to our son."

That day marked the beginning of the Monterey couple's nine-year struggle with Alzheimer's disease. Ronald died last year.

Like many Alzheimer's patients, Ronald Todd had high cholesterol. But the side effects of the cholesterol-lowering drug he was taking forced him to quit the medication.

Since then, Ann Todd, a registered nurse, said she has read about studies that found similar drugs might actually slow the progression of the disease.

"That's hopeful," she said. continued

Brain Health is important. Preventative activities can help using the Cognitive Labs tests and games, plus social interaction.
We invite you to try out the new THINKING SPEED TEST available from the http://cognitivelabs.com home page in honor of Alzheimer's Awareness month.
Already, thousands of people have taken this test (in 2 weeks time). Also, many people have clicked through to the Alzheimer's Association locator and found their nearest Association

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