
World War II Memories at Cognitive labs

World War II bissected the last century, ending the last unresolved vestiges of the 19th Century that did not end with the Armistice of 1918. After 1945, the Cold War, Space Race and the 'Technology' Revolution characterized the second half of the Century.

Starting today (just a few minutes ago, we will be offering a World War II Memory challenge, so stay tuned - the first quiz is right here. Can you name the mountain? Survey says: ????

It's a great way to exercise your brain and either move right into our memory testing; or as a way to wind down after your test or periodic check-up (once a month or so is popular with our members).

If you haven't signed up for one of our membership programs, it's a good time to do so. There's something special for you if you do.

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