

Thanks to people like one of our users in Florida, a quite patient man, we can fix occasional issues. Our user in Florida kept getting a response of '0000' when taking his test. Once in awhile it's a good idea to clear out your browser's cache, or stored Internet files, to improve performance especially since what we are about centers on reaction time.

We want zero-latency, that is, no delay between image and reaction, and also, communication up to our servers, which is calculated in the miliseconds. In the supply chain world, there was a lot of talk about the glass pipeline and zero latency and the "flow of funds, goods, and information" - the last one was a favorite in the Powerpoints at UPS. And the Strategic Planning people had to figure out how to 'optimize' each point of the triangle so we would have more 'stars' and fewer 'dogs.'

More on zero-latency....how fast can you think...Sue Halpern at the NY Review of Books (and widely covered even in the Nick Denton book Gawker writes a review of Gadwell book "Blink" and also another piece on how aging can increase that inestimable quantity: wisdom. This was far more comprehensive than our own nanosecond review.

We compared Blink to Grokking and didn't really see that much difference. Ms. Halpern earlier penned the Slate review of MemCheck, when the site was still owned by Bill Gates and not the Washington Post company, who now holds dominion.

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